Last weekend Stephen and I drove to Nashville, Tennessee to visit family. While we were there we stopped by the downtown farmers market to try some peaches from The Peach Truck!
We weren’t disappointed, they were delicious! Stephen’s aunt recently gifted us a cookbook called Back In the Day Bakery Made with Love. It is my new favorite book. If you don’t have it already, go purchase it on Amazon :)
I knew I wanted to try their Georgia Peach Pie recipe (peaches are my favorite). The stars aligned to form a magical peach for me; I mean what’s the chances that I would be able to visit Nashville and buy the perfect peaches the weekend after receiving this cookbook? It was destiny.
Making a pie from scratch is no joke. You will need to set aside a few hours to bake your pie. Take your time and follow the directions closely.
A few things you should know about the pie above, my pie crust is dairy and gluten-free. I used Bob’s Red Mill Pie Crust Mix, if you buy it on Amazon you can get four packets for $12… that’s a great deal. To make my crust dairy-free I used Spectrum Organic Shortening. *Side note: most beautiful pie crusts are brown because they have been egg washed. I’m allergic to eggs, so that’s why my pie crust is so light. Gluten-free pie crusts are a little tricky. I made this pie crust the traditional way and it was easier to work with. I remember thinking a lattice pie crust was difficult then, HA! It’s way more tricky with a gluten-free crust—but it can be done!
Basically, if you have food allergies take heart, you can enjoy a delicious pie!
Very cute!! And just like your book says, the most important ingredient to pie baking is love! ;)