It’s not home unless I have one wall full of bees.
Remember my last bee wall? I’m going to bee honest with you, I was a bit more precise with that first project—I used masking tape and took my honey sweet time mapping out where to stamp each bee. This time around? Don’t judge me, but I dived right it and eye-balled the whole project! It took me 15 minutes.
For a video tutorial, check out my DIY highlight on Instagram.

What you need: A stamp + ink.
That’s it. I purchased a reflective gold ink pad from Hobby Lobby…it’s actually the same ink pad from this post a year ago. The bee stamp is also from Hobby Lobby.

This project was super cheap, like $10 bucks…and the best part is, it’s very easy to remove! Wall stamping is renter friendly and even if you own your home, this DIY may be a smarter choice if you are unsure of the design, or like to change things up and often, like I do!
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